Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Healthy Hair, Healthy Body

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson

We all want healthy hair so that our hair can grow, be strong, and look fabulous!  You can have the best products, read and build your natural hair knowledge, and stay away from harmful ingredients, however all of your good efforts can still end up causing breakage and a lack of growth.  Why?  Because you need to be fulling our bodies with healthy foods to get the healthy hair you desire!  As the phrase Mom always use to say, you are what you eat!  You eat unhealthy, your tresses will pay for it.  You chose more healthy options, your hair will thank you for it!  Something that has been happening to me is that since getting sisterlocks-- I have had flakes because of poor water intake.  My hair definitely was letting me know that I am lacking the proper nutrients to promote healthy hair. 

So what to do about eating better, and what should you be eating?  Great question!  Well lets talk about some basics and then delve into some deeper knowledge. 

Water:  Yes ladies we need to be drinking water to support our hair and skin health!  Many vitamins, lotions, creams, etc. on the market are not a replacement of drinking water.  For me, this can be a challenge!  I am always "in motion" and often was getting dehydrated because I was not taking time to drink enough water.  One thing I have started doing is planning out when I will drink water.  For example, before breakfast, before packing my lunch, as I am driving to work, and as I walk the dogs are all targeted times during the day that I am reminding myself to drink water.  So how much water should we be drinking?  According to the Mayo Clinic, it depends on a variety of factors including level of physical activity, type of climate we live in, whether we are sick or not, and current body weight. They recommeded consuming about 2.7 liters for an average woman. The website also stated that we need to drink an additional cup of water if we are consuming sodas and other caffienated beverages.  The message is clear: Drink up ladies (water that is)!

Vitamins should be a part of your overall body health plan, however there are targeted vitamins that support hair growth. According to, there are some specific recommendations.  B Vitamins are great for heair growth, and can be taken in a supplement form.  Keep in mind we can also get B Vitamins in eggs, beans, and berries.  Also, Biotin is a popular vitamin known to support nail and hair growth.  Consuming brown rice, oats, and sunflower seeds is a way to ingest Biotin.  This can also be purchased in supplement form in places like The Vitamin Store, and GNC.  Vitamin A, C, and E are also helpful for hair growth.  Vitamin C is responsible for increased blood flow in the scalp and follicles, which can speed up the hair growth process.  Vitamin C is poperful found in fruits. 

Healthy foods that promote hair growth:
According to, the top 10 foods that support hair growth are:

-Dark Green Vegetables
-Whole Grains
-Low-Fat Dairy Products

Brittle hair, breakage, amd minimal hair growth plaging you??  It may all start with what you are eating  (or not eating)!  Are you eating what you should for healthy hair growth?? 

~The Sisterlocked Diva

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