So You're a Transitioner: 10 Tips to Begin Your Natural Journey
By: Lauren Francis-Jackson
You have made the decision to join the world of natural hair! You may have grappled with the decision-- going back and forth, perhaps even feeling the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Maybe, it was an easy decision to make but have no idea of where to start! Whether it was an easy or challenging decision, you are starting a journey that may change YOU in more ways than one. Many natural women report they have gained confidence, more positive attitude, a boost to make overall lifestyle changes, and more! Today, let's just focus on first things first-- what to do next?!?
1. Decide on whether you will transition by gradually growing out your natural texture, or plunge right into natural with the big chop!
If you don't know how you want to begin the journey, now is a great time to think about how soon you want to embrace your natural texture. Neither way is good or bad nor right or wrong. It just has to meet your comfort level of what you want to do with YOUR hair! Some ladies transition for a short amount of time then want to do the big chop and some are determined to transition for the long haul as the relaxed hair is gradually cut. You will know which is right for you!
2. Your hair care routine will change! You need to take care of both textures, natural and relaxed, to promote healthy hair growth.
Taking care of transitioning hair is different than caring for relaxed hair. Your hair will become more delicate-- it may be more prone to breakage especially at the point where both textures meet. A solid hair care routine involving gentle shampoos and conditioners, deep conditioning, and easy styling will help "train" your hair as you move toward natural textured hair!
3. YouTube (and the internet as a resource in general) will be your new bestie!
On YouTube, there are lots of videos on transitioning hair from hair care routines to styling! You will gain knowledge on product usage, hair care tips, and support to continue on your journey. Also, there is a website sponsored by Carol's Daughter ( that has lots of hair care advice, stories of other transitioners, and inspiring photos showing hair progress of transitioners. There is also an abundance of information on natural hair care, natural beauty advice, and more! Also, search for other websites
4. Join natural hair pages on Facebook, and follow natural hair bloggers on Twitter and Instagram!
I learned so much from other women who were already natural by following different natural hair Facebook pages and Twitter personalities. Some of my favs are:
- Thank God I'm Natural
- Transitioning to Natural
- I Love My Kinky Curly Natural Hair
- Natural Girls Rock
Some of my favorite natural hair bloggers when I began my transition:
- Sunshine's Natural and Loving It
- Natural Chica
- SimplYOUnique
- Taren916
5. It will be challenging at times-- any life journey has its ups and downs!
Transitioning to natural hair is no exception to any other journey! There will be days where you love your hair, and others when you will not and ask yourself, "What in the world am I doing??!?" That is totally normal-- when we make a big change that feeling of doubt can creep in! Keep strong with a good hair regimen, keep positive with motivating stories and hair progress!
6. If you choose to wear your hair loose, do more curly styles and wet sets!
In time, it will become more challenging to blend the two textures so curly styles are a great way to transition. Curly styles like flexis, spiral curls, and bantu knot outs all allow one to wear your hair in fun styles while blending the two textures as much as possible. You also do not want to damage the new growth by pressing it as straight as the relaxed hair.
7. Use braided styles, sew-in weaves, and other styles where your hair is fully protected.
When I transitioned, I wanted to let my hair grow through protective styling where my hair is braided up and not exposed to the rigors of daily manipulation. Braids, kinky twists, sew-in weaves, wigs, cornrows, flat twists, braided updos, and afro twists are all examples of protective styles where your hair can grow from being braided up in unmanipulated styles.
8. Moisturizing is extremely important! And typical grease and hair oil is not the answer!
In this transition period, take the time to educate yourself on the benefits of natural essential oils for moisture. Olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil are good oils for moisture with natural curls. Moisture is key in any hair regimen, and it is even more important in the natural world. As you will learn, you may find your hair seems more dry-- this could be from product use or because you are transitioning between two textures. If it is due to product usage, obviously you need to change what you are putting on your hair!
9. Understand that finding products that work with YOUR hair will be a journey within itself! Just because it works for one natural gal doesn't mean it will work for YOU!
Sometimes we think that "I saw so and so on YouTube, and her hair looks like mine! Let me try this product she used too!". It sounds logical, and seems like it will work. Then, after you have spent the money on these products, and they didn't do the same on your hair- you are one salty sister! It will take time-- sometimes you may try a product, and it is a winner or a dud. The key is not to get discouraged-- just means that product may not be for YOU! Talk to other transitioners and other naturals to find items to try. I tend to stick to more natural products with no parabens, no silicones, no mineral oil, no sulfates. These ingredients tend to dry out natural textured hair!
10. This is the most important step to ME: Enjoy learning more about YOUR hair!
Taking on this journey back to natural will have ups and downs, however it should be an incredible journey at every stage! Enjoy the period of transitioning and/or big chop! Get the feeling of empowerment, pride, beauty, elegance, confidence, and maturity as you begin your journey. As you learn YOUR hair, you also learn more about you as a person. Self-discovery is a beautiful thing and
should be cherished as you evolve into the natural diva!
Are you transitioning now? Do you plan to big chop or be a long term transitioner? For those natural divas, how do you look back on the beginning of your natural journey? What were your thoughts?
~The Sisterlocked Diva