Thursday, January 31, 2013

Choosing a Natural Stylist: 5 Questions To Ask

Choosing a Natural Hair Stylist: 5 Questions To Ask

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
One thing I hate is hair drama!!  The drama I am referring to is searching for a new stylist or new hair salon when seeking that salon treatment. Our necessity for a hair stylist in the relaxed days is very different than the one we have as a natural diva.  We may not go to the salon as regularly in the world of natural hair whether we have loose natural hair, locs, or sisterlocks!  BUT when you need to go, you want to make sure that you are going to someone who is knowledgeable about natural hair care and regimens.  Here are some questions that you may want to ask to see if the stylist or loctician is worthy to touch your hair:
Is this a natural salon? And what does that mean?
Now I know this a really basic question, however an important one because a salon can advertise theselves as a "natural salon", which could mean many things.  It could mean that "we do natural and relaxed hair", "we have a few natural customers and do mostly presses", or "we have all natural stylists and locticians".  You need to know where the salon you have chosen fits in on the spectrum. 
What is your experience with styling natural hair?
Just because a stylist says that they "do" natural hair does not mean they know how to care for natural hair in a healthy way or style natural hair.  Hopefully, the stylist will mention how they have styled natural hair for previous clients.  If all they can do is "press it out", I would be a little weary.  Natural hair is more than just blowouts!  Also, some locticians or sisterlock consultants will say "I am not a stylist".  So if you like funky styles, be sure that your loctician or consultant can meet your need for style. 
What products or product lines do you use in your salon?
If I am very committed to using only natural products, that does not mean that this salon is committed to the same thing!  You need to inquire about the products they use so you can make an informed decision about what's going into your hair and on your scalp.
Are you also experienced with color and natural hair?
If you love color like me, you want to know if they have skills with color if you want to get a professional color job.  Especially with locs and sisterlocks, I want someone skilled in dying locs or sisterlocks because it is different than dying loose natural hair. 
What are your prices for individual services?
Some salons have their prices listed but not all!  You want to be clear what your service should cost you.  If you want a trim, and two strand twists (no specific style) or a retightening and style, you want to plan your financial costs before walking into the appointment not at the end of the appointment.  I like to be aware of what I will be spending from the beginning!
Some of these seem like common sense, however one should not make certain assumptions about a stylist or salon because it is called "Natural X".  Why?  One time, my graduate school advisor at George Washington University suggested I go to her stylist at "Natural Motions Hair Salon". She was natural and had a short TWA like me. I made an assumption that this was a natural hair salon and the recommended stylist was one of many natural stylists.  So I showed up and it was the typical hair salon with this one natural stylist!!  So be advised if natural is in the title-- does not make it a natural salon!
~The Sisterlocked Diva

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New York and Company Giveaway Winner!!!!

The Winner of The Getting Fab with NY & Co. Giveaway is...

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
Thank you ladies for entering the giveaway for the New York & Company jewelry!!  I know you ladies know how jewelry is a lady's best friend.  Things that are new and have sparkle ALWAYS get my attention!!  Well I am happy to announce that this lady is also a Facebook follower who is fabulou with her "coily locks"!!  Alisha Jenkins Lampley, you are THE WINNER!!!  So please send me your mailing information to my email, and I will mail out your prize by the end of the week :-)  Thanks for all who participated!!  Catch some of the upcoming giveaways-- "I'm Crazy About Moisture" giveaway announced tonight on Facebook and Instagram and the "Love Groove" giveaway to be announced at the end of the week-- Facebook exclusive!!
~The Sisterlocked Diva

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Spotlight With Curly Nu Growth

Sunday Spotlight With Curly Nu Growth

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
Sunday Spotlight features business owners, bloggers, natural divas, beauty companies, and more as they share their story with The Sisterlocked Diva family!  Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Curly Nu Growth, a fellow natural hair blogger in the DMV!  Check out my interview with Curly Nu Growth as she shares her passions other than hair, why she cut her sisterlocks, and her new blogger ventures! 

The Sisterlocked Diva: I saw on Instagram that you were a guest stylist at NNatural Hair Studio today!

Curly Nu Growth: Yeah, one of their stylists went to the ER!  The sick stylist had a full schedule, and I have helped out there before so I stepped in to help out.

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Oh no!  I hope she’s ok!

Curly Nu Growth:  Yeah I hope so too!

The Sisterlocked Diva: Thank you for taking the time to chat with me, Jocelyn!  Tell me about your natural journey.

Curly Nu Growth:  My natural journey has been a learning experience!  I have done a lot with my hair.  I have been natural for 4 years as of today.  I did the BC on Inauguration Day 2009.  I was a loose natural for 21 months before getting sisterlocks.   After being sisterlocked for 2 years, I was a loose natural for 6 weeks before starting traditional locs. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Wow!  You have had quite a journey in four years!  What led you to sisterlocks?

Curly Nu Growth:  I was doing lots of puffs and kinky twists mainly because my time was limited with all the transitions in my life.  I just moved to a new area, and graduated from college. I asked my readers what I should do next with my hair—locs or another big chop.  Many of my followers thought I should lock my hair, so then after researching locks, I came across sisterlocks.  I liked how they looked, and was curious so I settled on sisterlocks. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  You recently went to the sisterlock consultant training in 2012.   What did you think about the training? Was it a major deciding factor in cutting your sisterlocks?

Curly Nu Growth:  I really enjoyed it and I learned all about my sisterlocks.  I learned more in that week than over the 2 years I had sisterlocks.  My consultant did not explain to me fully on what I was doing wrong.  The class really prepares you for any situation you may face as a consultant.  Dr. Joanne Cromwell is amazing! I made repairs to my sisterlocks, applying what I learned in the training.  What I learned about sisterlocks wasn’t a factor in me cutting them completely off though.  My hair didn’t look like what I wanted.  I didn’t have the pattern grid that is characteristic of sisterlocks, or the uniform look to my locks.  I had great variability in my locks, including bunching and stringy ends. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Did you regret the decision to cut your hair?

Curly Nu Growth:  Before I chopped them, my thought was that I would repair them to get my sisterlocks back on track.  However, since I have cut them I did not regret my decision.  I realized with my busy schedule and recent transition to full time stylist, it was time for my hair to change to fit my life.

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Whatever your hair routine may be, it needs to fit your life!  What were the major factors in deciding to loc again with traditional locks?

Curly Nu Growth:  I am everywhere—natural hair stylist, fashion boutique, web designer!  My lifestyle is busy and traditional locks just fit it in with my life!  I can do them myself and I can retwist in 30 minutes. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  I do like easy maintenance with a busy life!  What part of your natural journey have you enjoyed the most? Why?

Curly Nu Growth: I’ve enjoyed all the stages because I learned a lot of myself and my hair.  I would say my favorite time was my first big chop!  I was an educator to my friends and family who were mostly relaxed.  I had some crazy comments from family saying I looked like a slave and asked if I was going through something. 

The Sisterlocked Diva: Wow, that slave comment was powerful!  At the time, how did you feel?  Did it discourage you?

Curly Nu Growth:  I always remained positive!  I would educate my friends and family who did not know much about natural hair.  Even though it took time, they slowly came around to accepting my hair. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  That can be a great part of our journey—moving others towards acceptance of natural hair!  Let’s switch gears a bit!  How long have you been a natural stylist?

Curly Nu Growth: Officially, I have been a natural stylist for 6 to 7 months.  I have been working at a hair salon since 12.  In the beginning, I worked as shampoo assistant, swept up hair, and as a salon receptionist.  I loved the world of hair always, so I decided to quit my job and pursue my passion for hair full time. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Wow, many women are stepping out of their corporate jobs and pursuing entrepreneurship!  Was it an easy decision?

Curly Nu Growth: No not really!  I was just tired of my job and feeling stressed.  I definitely had to adjust my lifestyle when choosing to pursue my passion for hair, fashion, and web design.  

The Sisterlocked Diva:  When did you quit your job to pursue your passion for hair? Have you been licensed as a cosmetologist?

Curly Nu Growth:  I have worked as a natural stylist since June 2012. You don’t have to be licensed to do natural hair in the state of Maryland, however I want the education to know about the science of hair and informed hair care.  Currently, I am an apprentice of a licensed master cosmetologist. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Why did you begin blogging about your journey? Was it always the plan to blog about it long term?

Curly Nu Gorwth:  When I started my blog, it was solely about my journey.  I wanted to have a central location where I could have a written account of what I was doing with my hair.  It just happened that I was getting comments, and people were asking for help with their hair.  In my time as a blogger, I have taken a break for months and people have inquired about my absence on social media and wondered if I was okay.  It became a community for all lovers of natural hair. 

The Sisterlocked Diva: What advice would you give a natural hair blogger just beginning?

Curly Nu Growth: There are a lot a natural blogs out here!  If you are doing it for yourself, then go for it!  If you are doing it for fame, then collaborate with other bloggers.  Be a contributor to other blogs, and do events with other bloggers. 

The Sisterlocked Diva: Which blogs do you frequent?

Curly Nu Growth: I regularly follow,, and Chescalocs (YouTube), just to name a few!

The Sisterlocked Diva:  I love it!  Any big natural hair event plans for you for 2013?

Curly Nu Growth: I am planning a lot of great things in 2013!  I can’t say too much about that—much of it is connected to my talk show, The Mane Definition!

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Awesome!  A talk show?? When did that start?

Curly Nu Growth:  May 2012.  It has 3 hosts me, Crystal from Kinky Hair Affair and Jess from Hair Gets Kinky.  It features a variety of things including things we are going through, hair care, tips for the guys, featured YouTubers bloggers, how to make your own hair care products, and much more!

The Sisterlocked Diva:  So you have the talk show now, does this mean you are not doing meetups anymore?

Curly Nu Growth: No, I am still doing meetups with the other ladies from the talk show!  The Mane Definition Events is my new meetup collaboration with the ladies from the talk show!  Individually we host meetups, but it is under the brand The Mane Definition!

The Sisterlocked Diva:  I will have to check your show out!  What do you think about major hair shows and classes? Are these worthwhile learning experiences for the DIY hair naturalista?

 Curly Nu Growth:  I went to Fro Fashion Week, Return of the Curls, and the Baltimore Natural Hair Show.  They are good inspiration and give you exposure to vendors’ products!  I would love to see smaller intimate workshops at these events.  I am going to the Bronner Brothers hair show next month.  They are good for inspiration, but small hair meetups are better for hair demonstrations and learning more how-to information. 
Thank you Curly Nu Growth for chatting with The Sisterlocked Diva about natural hair, your passions, and more!

~The Sisterlocked Diva



Friday, January 25, 2013

Quick Fab Eyes in Less Than 10 minutes

Quick Fab Eyes in Less Than 10 minutes

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
As women we are always super busy and on the go!  Whether we are boardroom execs, moms, or the young professional, we have the need to get ready pronto to get out the door.  I love to play up my eyes and really make them pop because they are one of my better features!  So here are some quick tips on how to get fab eyes in less than 10 minutes!
First, I begin with the eyebrows by taking an eye brow brush to shape the eyebrow.  If it has been awhile since I had my eyebrows shaped professionally, I may use baby oil and shape witha cotton ball before brushing.  Depending on how quickly you eyebrows grow, you may need to go every two weeks, or once a month to get your eyebrows cleaned up.  If you have thinner brows like me, I then fill in my brows using a brow powder because pencils can be harsh and dark.  I use an angualr eye shadow brush and wet it slightly.  Then follow the shape of my brow, with short light strokes.  The lighter strokes appear more natural than one solid line all the way across. 
So with the basic eye shadow look, I do usually three colors-- a lid color, a crease color, and an upper lid color.  I tend to put the lightest color under my eyebrow as a highlighting shade.  I use a medium shade on my lid, and the darkest color in the crease.  Here are a few examples of me using this shadow method to make my eyes pop!
~The Sisterlocked Diva

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Goodies: Top 4 favs from the Inaugurate Your Curls' Swag Bag

New Goodies: Top 4 Favs from the Inaugurate Your Curls' Swag Bag

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
Last night's natural hair event was Inaugurate Your Curls, co-hosted by Crystal of Kinky Hair Affair & Jamila of The Diary of a Natural Gal! Imagine 20+ curlies and a few loc'd divas from the Baltimore area gathering at the XS Lounge on Inauguration Day sharing natural hair stories and a whole lot of laughter.  It sums up a great evening with the natural ladies gathered last night! 
They had an AWESOME swag bag for all attendees present for the event.  Here are some of my favs!


Twists 'N Locs Olive Oil  Super Medicated Spray Growth Spray
The bottle description indicates that this spray is for conditioning and moisturizing twists, locs, braids, and natural styles!  It also claims to protect from sun and chlorine damage!  Great ingredients to include water, olive oil, tea tree oil, and glycerin! 
Amour Beauty All-Natural Lip Gloss
With a limited amount of natural cosmetics lines, I am excited to try this long lasting and natural based lip gloss!  There are some natural ingredients like shea butter, avocado oil, and grapeseed oil-- however they are not main ingredients.  With a hot pink color-- I'm sure it will be hot!!
Shea Radiance Whipped Shea Butter Sample
Shea butter is one of those items that must-have staple in any natural diva's regimen!  Even though it is great on hair, it is also great on the body as well!  It is also a good natural remedy for chapped lips!  Can't wait to try this!
Bobeam Shampoo Bar
It is a honey and almond oil shampoo bar!  These are goodies for our hair so I kept reading the ingredient list-- coconut oil, vegetable glycerin, and purified water.  The ingredient list looks good! 
These are some of my favorites, and you know most I cannot use them personally!!  Since sharing is caring, I will share with you as part of a giveaway in the future!
~The Sisterlocked Diva


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Spotlight with Her Fab Box

Sunday Spotlight With Her Fab Box

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson

Sunday Spotlight features business owners, natural divas, beauty companies, bloggers, and more sharing their story with The Sisterlocked Diva family!  Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Her Fab Box creator, Kathy P.!  Her Fab Box is an up and coming subscription box service including hair products and more!  Read my interview below as I chat it up with Kathy: 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Hi Kathy, I appreciate taking time to chat with me about your product!  Tell me about your natural journey.

Her Fab Box: My natural journey there is not much to it!  My stylist told me about going natural since I was having lots of issues with hair.  I knew nothing about natural hair so I began to do my research. 

The Sisterlocked Diva: What kind of damage were you getting from relaxers?

Her Fab Box:  I was experiencing lots of shedding, much more than what is considered typical. I even had a blad spot!  Those relaxers were too harsh for my hair. 

The Sisterlocked Diva: Yikes!  I had a similar experience in college-- my stylist suggested to stop relaxing as well.  Once you went natural, what kind of changes did you see?

Her Fab Box: My hair grew longer and thicker!  It was amazing that my hair surpassed the length it was when I was relaxed.  My hair was always shorter and thiner with a perm.  That bald spot I had-- hair began to grow and I no longer have any bald spots.

The Sisterlocked Diva:  It's crazy that when one goes back to natural hair, previous issues like shedding and bald spots resolve when we stop using chemicals to straighten our hair.  My area was the "kitchen", and my hair would never grow back there.  Almost immediately, my hair was growing like wildfire back there!

Her Fab Box: Yeah, I wished I would have went natural years ago!

The Sisterlocked Diva: Agreed!  Who inspires your natural journey?

Her Fab Box: I can’t pinpoint a particular person.  I read a lot of other peoples blogs and read their stuff for tips and ideas on hair care and styles. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  It is helpful to read what others are saying about their journey-- it might work for you too!  What other bloggers do you follow?

Her Fab Box:  I mainly read Curly Nikki,, and Glamazon!

The Sisterlocked Diva:  I enjoy reading those bloggers as well! How did the concept of Her Fab Box come about? How long have you been in production?

Her Fab Box: I recently subscribed to a popular subscription box and I was just finding that they focus on one thing like hair or makeup.  I was looking for one that had different kind of beauty and hair items but never found one so I created it!  Her Fab Box has been in production for four months. Nowadays, there is a box out there that delivers anything you would want-- makeup, new hair products, etc.  They are great for product junkies because I know I am one!  

The Sisterlocked Diva:  I love the box of beauty goodies concept!  What is typically in a Her Fab Box?

Her Fab Box:There are several items of box, however it varies from month to month.  Typically, you can look forward to hair products, hair accessories, beauty products (e.g., lip gloss), nails, scarves.  If it makes you feel fabulous, it’s in the box!

The Sisterlocked Diva: Love all of the fabulosity!  What is your opinion of the popular CurlKit and CurlBOX boxes?

Her Fab Box: It makes it affordable to try many products!  As a PJ, it opens you up to many products and product lines.  I love it!

The Sisterlocked Diva:  I hear great things about these hair subscription boxes!  What is the cost of your subscription for Her Fab Box?

Her Fab Box: Well there are three price option boxes of $25, $15, and $10. 

The Sisterlocked Diva: What’s the difference between three boxes?

Her Fab Box: In the $25 box, you will receive full sized products, deluxe sample sizes, samples, etc.  In the $15 box, you will receive no full sized, yet receive all the other products in the $25 box.  The $10 box is the 2 plus 1 box, meaning you could receive two jewlery and a random product for example. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Prices to fit every budget!  Do you offer month to month subscriptions? If so, does the month to month cost more?

Her Fab Box:  It is a month to month subscription so the prices are standard whether you are an ongoing customer or just give it a try for a month.  You have the option to postpone or end the service.  You can cancel or suspend your box the day before the automatic payment comes out of your account. 

The Sisterlocked Diva: I like how the subscription is flexible!  How do you decide on the products to include in the box?

Her Fab Box: I have a team of people, consisting of a range of age groups and as a team we decide on products.  A product goes in the box if it has been tried before or if they always wanted to try it.
The Sisterlocked Diva:  Are there products you are dying to include in Her Fab Box?

Her Fab Box: There are some major hair companies that I have been in communication with me.  I am hoping they can contribute to the box. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Can you share which companies??

Her Fab Box:  No, I cannot at this time since there hasn't been confirmation from these companies.

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Ok ok, I understand that!   I a msuper excited about your possible partnerships! Can you purchase subscriptions for Her Fab Box as a gift for someone else?

Her Fab Box: Only during holiday months!  Like right now you can purchase a February box for someone else!  I may reconsider this option in the future.

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Hope you do!  Do you plan to expand the product options for the Her Fab Box? What will you include?

Her Fab Box: I think I may add gift cards in the future but not at this time. 

The Sisterlocked Diva:  How can I get a subscription for Her Fab Box?

Her Fab Box:  Go on the website and click on the 'Get The Box'!  The websitesharlocked Diva:  Easy!  Lastly, where can we find you on the web?

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Where can we find you on the web for more information.

Her Fab Box:  I am on Facebook and Tumblr as 'Her Fab Box'.  I am on Instagram and Twitter as 'herfabbox'.  My website is

The Sisterlocked Diva:  Great!  Well thank you for sharing about Her Fab Box with The Sisterlocked Diva! 

Her Fab Box:  Thanks, I appreciate you as well!

~The Sisterlocked Diva

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sisterlocks at 8 months!

Sisterlocked for 8 Months!

By: Lauren Francis-Jackson
I can't believe it has been 8 months with my sisterlock babies!  I have learned a lot about my hair however my favorite thing-- leaving all the products behind and simplistic hair routines!!  Anybody who has known me for 2 seconds knows I am not about that "let me retwist every night" life!  I was definitely a lazy loose natural so I left my TWA short! 
Lock lost done the wash

With my sisterlocks, they have been mostly healthy!  No slipping since the beginning of the locking process.  Unfortunately, I lost two locks during my last wash and retightening in the temple area. The owner of Natural Clarity LLC, Claire Green, explained how that hair on the hairline is rone to breakage.  These hairs have a natural breaking point, where the lock gradually thins and breaks off.  A similar process happens for loose naturals but is less noticeable since one is able to comb their hair.  The only way to remedy the situation is to break the lock off or attach it to another lock nearby to strengthen it.  So down to 568 locks!
Things that I am working on-- I need to increase my water intake!  This will help with my dry scalp as well as overall health.  It is getting better slowly but surely!
~The Sisterlocked Diva

Friday, January 18, 2013

Diva Letters: How Soon Can I Wash My Locs?

Diva Letters

By: Lauren Francis-Jackson
Martina, a loc'd diva beginning her loc journey, asks:
Hello Diva,
How soon can I wash my locs?  I have been loc'd for a month now.  Also, how do I wash my locs for the first time-- with or without a stocking cap?
The Sisterlocked Diva's Reply:
Congrats Martina on making it through your first month of your loc journey!  It has been an interesting journey I am sure so far-- learning about natural hair care in a different state.  With starter locs, it varies when you should wash your starter locs including the method used to begin your locs, and curl pattern.  You began your locs with two strands and have more of a loose and wavy curl pattern.  I would suggest using clips and/or rubber bands to secure your hair-- this will help the twists with minimal unravelling.  Then, you should shampoo your locs with the stocking cap.  The shampoo should be diluted-- mixture in a spray bottle or color bottle with long spout.  Washing your hair through a stocking cap also will help with unravelling.  After washing and rinsing thoroughly, retwist any locs that may have unravelled.  You can allow your loc babies to air dry!!  Good luck with your first wash!
~The Sisterlocked Diva


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In the Rotation: Makeup Basics For Everyday

In the Rotation  Makeup Basics For Everyday

By: Lauren Francis-Jackson
I am truly a lover of anything that can enhance one's beauty, however that was not always me.  When I was a teenager, I had no interest in makeup!  Nope, nothing at all-- not even a clear lip gloss.  I was all about basketball and the books.  I looked at my friends in high school with the caked on makeup like they were crazy!  Clogging pores was not on my schedule!  However, when I became interested in makeup, my mom took me to the Channel Counter at Neiman Marcus (yes she was such a diva herself :-)   I was shown how to apply makeup like a pro at age 23.  In the few years since then (just play along ;-), I have modified what I have learned to fit my needs!  So here's my everyday makeup essentials:
  • Brushes: Angular Eye Shadow Brush (for eye lid and to fill in eyebrows), powder brush, blush brush, rounded eye shadow brush
  • Flora Roberts Brow Powder
  • Neutral shades: light pink, bronze, tan, pale purple, light blue, beige
  • Power Colors (colors that pop): emerald green, teal, plum, aqua blue, gold, silver
  • Blush: pale pink, cranberry
  • Mascara: Mary Kay's Lash Love
  • Foundation:  Mary Kay's Foundation Primer & Mineral Powder combo OR Flora Roberts Oil Blotting Powder & MAC Pressed Powder Foundation
  • Concealer
  • Lip Gloss:  Clear, light pink, bronze, nude
  • Water
  • Brush Cleaner

Even though it seems like a long list-- I have my routine down to less than 10 minutes.  Stay tuned for a future YT video on my makeup application routine!
~The Sisterlocked Diva

Monday, January 14, 2013

Getting Fab with New York and Company Jewlery Giveaway January 14-January 28

Getting Fab with New York & Company Giveaway

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
Hey there The Sisterlocked Diva fans!!  I am loving all the love from my faithful followers who are interacting with me on social media!  You know I love giving you rewards!  So, get ready for this next BLOG-EXCLUSIVE giveaway of New York & Company.  Just to be clear-- I am sponsoring this giveaway, not NY & Co. (however maybe one day :-)!!  So what can you win?  You can win a fly set of jewlery!  I believe in your accessories can set off any outfit, and make you utterly gorgeous!!  So if you are a jewlery loving diva, let's see how you can win! 
Step 1:  Follow The Sisterlocked Diva on her blog (
Step 2:  Share this blog post on your Facebook page and encourage your friends to enter too!
That's it!!  Easy, easy stuff-- takes you less than 5 minutes!  The giveaway runs from today until January 28th (11:59pm ET)!  One winner will be choosen to win all three pieces on January 29th!  Good Luck!!
~The Sisterlocked Diva


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Diva Letters

Diva Letters

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
New feature on the blog-- do you have question about natural hair, makeup, skin care, fashion or other beauty items?  You can even ask me questions about me!  Whatever your question, I will answer them here in this segment.  To ask your question, send me a message or email me!  I will respond here!  Here's our first one:
Nikki asks:  "What is your opinion of human hair braid extentions?  I am thinking about them for February and March"
The Sisterlocked Diva response: 
I LOVE braids Nikki!!  Braids are a great protective style because they allow your hair to completely rest since it is braided up.  I like different kinds of braids: sengalese, box braids, cornrows, afro twists, and kinky twists just to name a few.  I have used braids in my transition to natural, and as a protective style.  It is a great way to mix your hair up especially in the colder months.    I think it is important to keep a few things in mind with braids:
  •  Be careful with the braider!  Be sure she is not braiding the edges too tight as this can cause breakage.
  • You must take care of your hair while in this style!  You can still wash your hair and oil your scalp while in braids!
  • My preference:  I prefer human hair extentions
  • In preparation for braiding, do a good deep conditioner before beginning braids and afterwards.  Conditioning your hair is important for retaining length and maximizing growth. 
  • Maximum time to keep braids in your hair 6 to 8 weeks
Take care of YOUR hair while in braids and you will be fine!!

~The Sisterlocked Diva

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Does Green Tea Help With Hair Loss?


Does Green Tea Help With Hair Loss?

By:  Lauren Francis-Jackson
Green tea originates from the same tea leaf as black tea, however it is processed differently.  Because it is processed with less oxidation, it retains its therapeutic benefits.  Green tea is known to have many health benefits including helping with hair dandruff, helping cancer patients, and easing arthritis ailments.  Green tea comes in many forms:  tea made to drink, green tea supplements, green tea-infused hair products.  Green tea can also be massaged in the scalp for a few minutes. 
Originally, it was thought you can decrease your risk for hair loss by drinking several cups of green tea a day or taking the green tea supplement.  The most powerful antioxidants in green tea is epigallocatchin gallate (EGCG).  The Belgravia Centre in the United Kingdom reports that it was originally thought green tea has inhibiting properties to block dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a substance that causes hair loss. 
Green tea can initiate hair growth "because of its ability to improve blood circulation to all parts of the body" (Muscle Works Magazine, n.d.).  This in turn allows the hair follicles to be stimulated because of the increased blood flow.  The thought is that hair growth will then follow because of the increased blood flow to the hair follicles in the scalp.
Even with all the information about active ingredients in green tea, and how it could help hair growth, the reality is that there are no conclusive studies on green tea and hair growth.  There have been studies with animals showing some hair growth, however this has not been proven in humans. There are factors like heriditary hair loss and stress induced hair loss where green tea is not shown to reverse these things.    There is more proof that green tea is effective for supporting overall health. So the overall consensus is green tea is great for your health but not necessarily for hair growth! 
Do you drink green tea daily?  What type of health benefits have you seen from incorporating green tea?  Do you think it helps with hair growth?
~The Sisterlocked Diva